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A Small Business and COVID-19 (Corona Virus)


That name has gripped our world with such fierceness that most of us are shuttered in our homes. Schools are closed, people working from home as to not get infected or to keep a loved one from getting sick. Some stores are being picked over due to supply chain fears. Small business restaurants hastily changing their business models to delivery and curbside pickup because mandates in their area says they must close their sit-down dining.

No more large crowds for the foreseeable future.... social distancing has commenced.

I have shut down my studio as well. My walk-in business resides in an old textile mill that has been turned into an art community. The management there closes when the schools close for weather or emergencies. They had to close. We have anywhere from a couple of hundred people on a Saturday to well over a thousand come in to browse all the art studios there. It was a no brainer to close as we have artist’s in resident that have auto immune diseases. Plus, we need to keep more people from being infected by this virus helping to flatten the curve.

Now, our Governor has just made an announcement that all schools will stay closed for the rest of the year. All will be at home learning from online Not sure how this is going to affect my brick and mortar studio.

I’m afraid and worried.

Yes, it is hurting my business. I'm afraid and worried for all of the businesses located inside of Lowe Mill Arts and Entertainment. I feel such pain knowing that most of these artists and small businesses will not have the income to survive. Like those that reside there, most of my sales were from walk-ins or art shows. Art shows have now canceled and thankfully, most are refunding the whole amount. Others you just get your booth fee and not your jury fee.

Yes, you can buy off my website but right now, people are not buying high end luxury items like jewelry because every event that you would wear it to is now canceled. They are buying essentials only.

Quite frankly, I don’t blame them. I’m doing the same.

I understand but then again, I know that I have my bills to pay especially for the studio. My rent must be paid even though the studio is closed. I still must honor that contract I signed. I have a business credit card bill and I have college to pay for. This doesn’t include my bills at home. My husband is now taking care of those. Thank God for that! If not for him, I don’t know what I would do. I can’t imagine how all these people who have lost their jobs or are losing their businesses can even survive if they have families and employees to take care of.

I shutter to think how an invisible little virus could bring the world to its knees. How much of an economic impact this invisible to the human eye thing could do in such a short span of time. I am buying from local businesses and doing my part to keep them afloat. I can only do it for so long. I don’t get paid sick days or vacation days. Currently there is no income coming in. Not sure how this will all play out for me. I’m lucky that I do have a spouse that pays my home bills but I’m not asking him to pay for my business bills. Yes, he has offered but to me, it is my responsibility and I should not have to pass the buck off to him to get me out of a jam. I see that everyday where husband’s pay for their wives to have a studio so they can have their hobby away from home. Another storage place for all their craft paraphernalia.

Am I too independent? Am I being too stubborn? Take the money and get one less worry off me. No, I just feel that I should not have to burden him with it. Yes, the money is shared but its shared for our regular bills, our food, our gas, our savings, etc.

I’m the one that must figure out what I need to do to pay my business bills even if that means I must go back to work somewhere to pay it off. That includes giving up on a dream of working for myself so that I don’t bring my husband down financially. That’s just who I am.

Currently the US government is trying to pass a stimulus bill to help the economy. Not sure if it will ever be passed. Too much infighting between the Republicans, the Democrats and the President. Too much BS in trying to win while your own people are suffering. People are hurting Mr. President, Congress and the Senate! Do your jobs! Help your country instead of bitching, moaning, and complaining about what the other side is doing! We elected you and most of you are sitting in beautiful homes that are well protected with no worries on how you're going to get your bills paid, your healthcare paid or how you're gonna put food on the table.

Will it be too late for some of us? I cringe at thinking about all these people, some of which are family, that are in desperate need. I don’t have the answers to any of this. This is such an unprecedented time in our lives right now. I don’t think there are answers. But each of us can help these small businesses out if we can. We can make purchases to help them. Buy e-gift cards to use for later. That money goes straight into their account and will give a little relief in the turbulence that is affecting them at the moment.

For now, we must continue with social distancing, wash our hands and remember…check on your loved ones. We are all in this together and each one of us can do our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

If you would like to purchase an e-gift to use for later in my studio, click here!

This will take you to Square's website where you can buy my e-gift cards.

You can also buy off this website, my Facebook or Instagram! If you see an item on social media that you like, please send me a direct message with the description, date of the post of the item and I will send you an invoice so that you can pay online. I will ship the item to you carefully cleaned, sanitized and sealed. Thank you for your continued support and please everyone, be safe!

Blessings to you all,


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